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1 Hour Practitioner Review
$165.00, Online/Video chat

Did you receive your results but want to add support and interpretation? This service is for you! Examples include:​​

  • Reviewing your client reports 

30 min Practitioner Support
$82.50, Online/Video chat

We want to make Practitioner support accessible by providing a reduced price for a quick follow-up to questions you may have or need clarification on. Practitioner's cannot answer extensive questions through email which is outside the parameters of the services provided. Due to the price reduction for this service, only 1 appointment can be booked per day if needed. Examples include:

  • Make adjustments to your protocol

  • Answering in-depth questions 

We want to make Practitioner support accessible by providing a reduced price for a quick follow-up to questions you may have or need clarification on. Practitioner's cannot answer extensive questions through email which is outside the parameters of the services provided. Due to the price reduction for this service, only 1 appointment can be booked per day if needed. 

Examples include:

  • How do I do coffee enemas? 

  • Do you have good ideas for balanced meals that might fit my needs?

  • Questions that you may have about a product in your protocol. 

  • I am finished with my protocol; what are my next steps? 

15 min Quick Follow Up
$45.00, Online/Video chat
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